The Studentenkarzer, or students’ prison, is located behind the Old University on Augustinergasse. Between 1778 and 1914, students were imprisoned here for so-called Kavaliersdelikte, minor wrongdoings fashionable among otherwise respectable gentlemen enrolled at the University, most of them members of student fraternities.
Common offences included disturbances of the peace, alcohol-fuelled pranks, and involvement in duels. In those days, the University had its own jurisdiction and was legally entitled to detain students. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, imprisonment lasted between three days and four weeks. The juvenile delinquents, however, were allowed to attend lectures, returning to jail as soon as classes were over. Biding their time, many of the young prisoners decorated cell walls with graffiti and sketches. Their “artwork” has been preserved and can still be admired in the Studentenkarzer today.
April to August: Daily 10 am − 6 pm. September and October: Monday − Friday: 10 am − 4 pm. Saturday: 10 am − 6 pm. Sunday and public holidays: 10 am − 4 pm. November to March: Monday − Saturday: 10 am − 4 pm. Closed on Sundays. Special opening hours: 5 May Adults € 4.-, discount rate € 3.50. Discount rate with HeidelbergCARD.